Ruth W.
"During an altar call at church on February 21, 2021 I went forward for prayer for healing. Nine months prior I had injured my collar bone doing lawn work. I saw an orthopedic surgeon, had tests done and was sent to six weeks of physical therapy. My collar bone would roll out of place and relief never came. Until the Monday, after the altar call. I woke up and my collar bone felt so much better. I thought to myself, "Wow! I think I finally found a good sleeping position, because my collar bone doesn't hurt." This thinking went on for a few days. It wasn't until Thursday or Friday of that week when I realized that it was something more. I was on my walk, thinking about this, "new sleeping position", fixing my collar bone. When a thought popped into my head, "Remember you asked for healing on Sunday." I then put two and two together and realized that I had been healed. God deserves all the glory for this." -- Ruth W.
Posted in God Thing