Counseling & Mentoring
Connection Church offers short-term counseling/mentoring for specific issues such as depression, family matters, pre-marital counseling, marriage mentoring and anger management. We have certified, licensed counselors and therapists, as well as trained pastoral lay-counselors and mentors.

Support Groups
The goal of our Life Enrichment and Support Groups is to enrich lives and care for those who are struggling with issues that have left them broken and hurt. We offer a variety of 6-12 week small group sessions such as Grief Share and Men's Integrity Group. Click "Learn More" for our full current offerings.

Recovery Groups
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery group for all of life's hurts, habits, and hang-ups. For a successful recovery, we need access to the power of God through a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. We also need the help and encouragement of others who have traveled the road before us.

Hope House
Men's Housing
Hope House is an 18th-month program designed to help men navigate life in a safe, comforting, helpful environment. The goal is for them to develop the skills and have the time that will help them take care of themselves after their 18 months have ended. We believe your restoration starts here!

Hannah House
Women's Housing
Hannah House is an 18th-month program designed to help women (without children) navigate life in a safe, comforting, helpful environment. The goal is for them to
develop the skills and have the time that will help them take care of themselves after their
18 months have ended. We believe
your restoration starts here!
develop the skills and have the time that will help them take care of themselves after their
18 months have ended. We believe
your restoration starts here!

Food and Job Search
Open Door Ministry (a Connection Church ministry) provides nutritious food and job information to families in 20 different municipalities surrounding Canton. In addition, Open Door Ministry Graduate School provides individual help with job skills and assistance
in finding employment.
in finding employment.

Care Ministry
Galatians 6:2 tells us... "Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." We are in the process of creating avenues of care for our congregation. This includes these various teams: hospital visitation, meals, sending encouraging cards, funeral hosts, church handy person team, church cleaning team and home visitation. If you have a heart towards serving others, we'd love to begin a conversation with you. Please click on "Learn More" to fill out an information form and Pastor Cal will reach back out to you shortly!

Upcoming Events
Community Care
Wednesday Evening Groups
Under One
Men's Ministry
Care & Support
Kids Connection Ministry
Women's Ministry
Kids Ministry Test
Ministry of Mothers
Internal Calendar