
Welcome to Under One Student Ministries!

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Our Under One students enjoy a fun & energetic atmosphere that allows for time to connect, visit the cafe and join in on games. Our worship team is filled with talented leaders & students while our messages are geared towards leading students Biblically, in today’s culture. Our goal is that we can lead students in Hope & Health while also creating friendships that will last a lifetime. This is a safe place to be real before  friends, family and God. This is a place that says, welcome home; you belong!
Take a glance into the Life of Under One! 

Upcoming Events

Follow us on social media.


You can find all of our merchandize at our youth cafe located in the youth room.
If the merch is not in stock - you can pre order your merch using the link below. All payments and pickups will be at the youth cafe!

Youth Service 

Our Wednesday night (7-830pm) youth program is geared for ages 11-18 or grades 6th-12th. There are plenty of opportunities to connect, have fun and grow deeper with God. On your first visit, you will get a gift from us! So be sure to stop by our youth table on your way to our youth room.

Middle School Services 

 On Sunday mornings, we hold a Middle School service for those ranging in 6th-8th grades. Our middle school team does a phenomenal job creative an energetic and fun atmosphere for Jr. High students to build relationships and encounter God. Check out any of these services from 11am-1230pm right here in our youth room! 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.