Counseling  Institute

Do you feel that God has given you the heart to care for people and encourage them in times of need?
Do your family and friends come to you for help?   Did you ever wish you had a
better understanding of the issues people struggle with and are better
equipped to use God's word during these times?

This 3-year program in biblical counseling is designed for caring individuals, lay counselors, church
leaders, and helping professionals looking for training to improve their helping skills.

 Each year is a 30-week course in Biblical counseling and helping ministry.
Students will learn from world-renowned instructors sharing their expertise
for helping hurting people through biblical counseling.

Students completing the program may pursue credentialing with the International
Board of Christian Counselors.  We partner with AACC – American Association of
Christian Counselors and Light University.

1st Year – Caring for People God’s Way
2nd Year – Breaking Free
3rd Year – Elective home study

The fee for each year of studies is $185 for materials and $75 for tuition.  
Total Cost:  $260